Give Me 5 Monday

Like Marcia, today feels a bit overwhelming to me – I have a big meeting at work today, puppy class tonight, and I’m spending more time on the phone with Gary, which has been fun, but it does cut into my “me” time! Hmmm, do I really want a man in my life? Ah, a post for another time!

Anyway, I am participating in BeccA’s Buzz today, and her question is:

Give Me Five staples on your grocery list besides milk, bread and eggs.

Let’s see….

1. Chocolate  (need I say more?)
dove chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos

2. Cheese sticks – Belle is a huge cheese fan so we always have to have these on hand
string cheese Pictures, Images and Photos

3. Cereal – I couldn’t find a satisfying photo on Photbucket, and Flickr has you contact the photographer directly for permission, which I don’t have time for. Suffice to say, I am the big cereal eater in the house and have been known to eat it for all 3 meals. I’m on a Frosted Mini-Wheat kick, which I jazz up with a few frozen blueberries (makes it tasty, and keeps the milk really cold, which is key for me).

4. Red Peppers – (ah, you thought I was going with a “C” theme, didn’t you?) We eat these all the time.
red peppers Pictures, Images and Photos

5. Fruit – whatever is in season, and therefore cheap(er)

fruit Pictures, Images and Photos

This post took way longer than I thought because of searching for all the photos…..

6 responses to “Give Me 5 Monday

  1. My Oldest loves Red Peppers, he calls them “sweets” whenever I serve them. I’m a platter person, rather than making individual snacks I serve platter that they can pick from…I think it also brings them closer if we’re not already at the table. We also go through loads of fruit cause my hometown was known for Orchards and had an abundance year-round.
    yummy looking list, hope you have a Happy Monday!

  2. After the baby comes, chocolate will be back on my list too! 🙂 Great list!

  3. Mmmm, chocolate! I must admit I don’t buy it very often, but when I do, Dove is a favorite of mine! I like string cheese too, it makes a great snack! Thanks for playing along today, come back again next week!

    Ps. Your Mr. Linky link at the main GM5 post lead me to a different post of yours, not this one. If you’d like to change it, I’ll delete the other one and you can add this one. Let me know!

  4. Both my kids love string cheese. We also must always have “circle crackers” (Ritz) and cream cheese for DeBoy, who eats next to nothing, and yogurt. The Mountain Man has eaten Frosted Mini-Wheats for breakfast every day since we’ve been married, except weekends, when he cooks pancakes or biscuits or something. I’ll have to tell him your blueberry idea.

  5. Love your list, I too love chocolate…but have to keep it out of the house…I have NO control. I love fruit and keep that in the house too….Great List!!!

  6. Those all sound good to me, too. 🙂

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